Monday, October 20, 2008

Weekend Warrior starring Yo La Tengo

Well, another weekend has passed and another shit show has gone. This weekend, your favourite adventurer found himself in some interesting predicaments...

So the weekend started off on Friday with drinking, and the weekend always does. I was having an absolutely shitty week because my last classes were being a bunch of bastards, so we (being Rosa, Michelle, Riley, Dave, Jenn and Peculia) went out for some pig BBQ and drinks. Once we finished dinner, we moved our asses to the Underground (which seems to be where we go every weekend).

So we sit down and tried to decide on what libations we were going to imbibe. We settle on a pitcher of yogurt soju and this weird rice-based drink that was served from a giant bowl into smaller ones; I forget the name of it, but it tasted like white wine, and when mixed with yogurt soju it was even more of a devil's brew.

After a few rounds of that, stories and other such shenanigans, a little Korean girl appears out of nowhere. She says that I am handsome and was wondering if I would like to visit her table of friends for some drinks (seeing as how she had already had way too many). Well, not being one to pass up free drinks, I oblige and bring Dave and Michelle along with me for security (really, I was just happy when they followed me down my doomed trail). We meet with her friends and do the general small talk (Koreans are really easy to talk with. Just call them handsome, tell them they look like famous musicians and drink with them, and they're fine) until it all goes sour and Michelle and I have to pretend like we're boyfriend and girlfriend to get away from this...tiny...thing. Apparently, which none of us knew, once we proclaimed that we were dating, we shattered her soul and she kept apologizing. Now, picture a 5' Korean girl begging you for forgiveness and how she didn't mean any offence and that's kinda how weird it was. So the three of us return to out table, sit down, and she comes ambling over trying to apologize some more. I try tot ell her that it's no big deal, that I'm sorry if I led her on in any way, while my other friends are cracking up. So we booked it from there and then went home. The best part of it all though was when I stood up for the first time and her neck immediately craned...Michelle nearly fell off the bench laughing so hard.

The next day I was up at 2 waiting for a guy to come over and set up my Internet. He came, went, and I proceeded to sit around and read...until Michelle showed up. We decided to go out for some Japanese food when we get a call from Rosa and Kelly. See, we originally were going to go see Yo La Tengo play at a festival, but the tickets were insane amounts of money and it was not worth it for one band. Rosa said that Dave had found a hill where we could watch the concert and drink outside, so we booked it over to meet them.

Once we got to Olympic Park where the concert was being held, we searched around for Dave and his friends Collum and Tracey and this mystical hill, but could not find him. After a while of searching, Kelly called Dave and got him to meet us. We picked up provisions and sauntered our way over to the hill, which was surprisingly close to the main stage (I don't know how far exactly...maybe a football field? maybe more?) and settled in for some good times.

So the festival area was surrounded by vendor tents, and I guess no one told them that Yo La Tengo was playing on stage, because there was one tent that was blaring very loud techno music. It almost ruined the whole vibe of the show, but Yo La Tengo managed to salvage it.

After the show, Dave had the brilliant idea to go to Hung Dae, which is basically a big bar/club area where people party on the weekend (and also shop during the day, if you so desire). So we climb onto the subway, make it out to Hung Dae, and then the REAL disasters started.

We first started out by Dave and Michelle picking up Poweraid, Soju and vitamin c drinks, which they mixed together into a concoction dubbed Poju: basically rocket fuel. We sucked on those for a bit until we got to our destination which was a rock bar with a name that eludes me. Once inside, we proceed to drink. Hard. It was a cool bar though: a real dive with a pool table and a darts board with fairly decently priced drinks.

After drinking for a while and hearing some crazy stories form Dave, we decided to go downstairs to Club FF (or FM...whatever) so we could dance. This club was also pretty rock-oriented and it was kinda like the Dance Cave, but smaller, and before it sucked massive balls. Once inside, again, we proceeded to drink, and this is where things start to run together.

I know I had a lot to drink. I know there was a lot of dancing. I know that I met a guy from the states who had a Misfits tattoo and was talking about Misery Signals. I know that dude gave me two shots of Jager. I know Michelle met these guys in a band who were wearing wigs. I know she got punched in the face. I know Dave started dancing with some girl on the floor. I know at one point in time Rosa, Kelly and Dave left leaving Michelle, Collum and myself. I know I made it outside. I know I spent all my money and we had to borrow some from Collum for a cab home. I know that I was standing in the middle of the road trying to hail a taxi. I know (now) that I got home at 5:30 and proceeded to pass the fuck out. All this I know...but there are still gaps.

Regardless, I woke up at 4 in the afternoon and was supposed to go to Costco at 1 but clearly overslept. Thus, I spent the rest of the day cleaning and reading and detoxing.

So, things we've learned this weekend:
1) Short, drunk, flirty Korean girls get REALLY depressed and borderline suicidal when you fake that you have a girlfriend to get away from them.
2) I need to remember to save $10 for cab fare if I ever go to Hung Dae.
3) Nothing good comes from Hung Dae. Plain and simple.
4) Yo La Tengo makes me sleepy.

That is all.

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